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  • 51. Wei-Che Hung, Jhen Hsu, Yi-Jay Chang*, Wen-Bin Huang (2023) Chih-Hao Hsieh and Ming-Tsung Chung, Spatiotemporal variations and influential factors  affecting reproductive dynamics of Pacific saury in the Northwest Pacific during fishing season. Journal of Fish Biology 103(6) 1335 : 1346. (SCI)


  • 50. Ginting, Kevin Pranata and Huang, Wen-Bin* (2023) Length? Length and Length? Weight Relationships of Pacific Saury, Cololabis saira(Scomberesocidae), in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean. Journal of Ichthyology 63(5) 924 - 929. (SCI)


  • 49. McRae, Crystal J.*, Shashank Keshavmurthy, Hung-Kai Chen, Zong-Min Ye, Pei-Jie Meng, Sabrina L. Rosset, Wen-Bin Huang, Chaolun Allen Chen, Tung-Yung Fan* and Isabelle M. Côté (2023) Baseline dynamics of Symbiodiniaceae genera and photochemical efficiency in corals from reefs with different thermal histories. PeerJ : 15421. (SCI)


  • 48. McRae, Crystal J., Shashank Keshavmurthy, Pei-Jie Meng, Sabrina L. Rosset, Wen-Bin Huang, Chaolun Allen Chen, Tung-Yung Fan* and Isabelle M. Côté (2022) Variable responses to chronic and acute elevated temperature of three coral species from reefs with contrasting thermal regimes. Marine Biology 169:97. (SCI)

  • 47. Huang, Wen-Bin*, Jen-Hui Tung and Kevin Pranata (2022) Age and growth estimations of Decapterus kurroides using otolith in the waters of eastern Taiwan. Asian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Research 16(4):24 – 33.


  • 46. McRae, Crystal J.*, Anderson B. Mayfield, Wen-Bin Huang, Isabelle M. Cote and Tung-Yung Fan (2021) Contrasting proteomic responses of adult and larval coral to high temperatures. Frontiers in Marine Science 8:1 – 7. (SCI)

  • 45. McRae, Crystal J., Wen-Bin Huang, Tung-Yung Fan* and Isabelle M. Cote (2021) Effects of thermal conditioning on the performance of Pocillopora acuta adult coral colonies and their offspring. Coral Reefs 40:1491 – 1503. (SCI)


  • 44. 黃文彬*、徐瑋婷、劉梅君(2019) 花蓮縣鯉魚潭環境水質與水域生態初探。台灣當代觀光 3:57 - 78。

  • 43. Wen-Bin Huang*, Chih-Hao Hsieh, Tai-Sheng Chiu, Wei-Ting Hsu and Chih-Shin Chen (2019) CPUE standardization for the Pacific saury Cololabis saira fishery int the Northwestern Pacific. Journal of Marine Science and Technology 27(5):472 - 480. (SCI)


  • 42. 許晉榮、謝淑秋、黃文彬*(2017) 高溫緊迫對文蛤血淋巴液中血糖與免疫因子的影響。水產研究 1(25):37-44。


  • 41. Chang, Ke-yang & Chih-shin Chen & Tsan-Yu Chiu & Wen-Bin Huang & Tai-Sheng Chiu* (2016) Argentine shortfin squid (Illex argentinus) stock assessment in the Southwest atlantic using geostatistical techniques. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 27(2):281 – 292. (SCI)


  • 40. Huang, Wen-Bin* & Yu-Chun Huang (2015) Maturity characteristics of Pacific saury during fishing season in the Northwest Pacific. Journal of Marine Science and Technology 23(5):819 - 826. (SCI)

  • 39.許晉榮、朱永桐、黃文彬*(2015) 龍虎斑魚苗發生殘食窒息的型態因子探討。水產研究 23(1): 49-55。


  • 38. Forsatkar, Mohammad Navid* & Mohammad Ali Nematollahi & Bagher Mojazi Amiri & Wen-Bin Huang (2014) Fluoxetine inhibits aggressive behaviour during parental care in male fighting fish ( Betta splendens, Regan). Ecotoxicology 23:1794 - 1802. (SCI)

  • 37. Forsatkar, Mohammad Navid* & Maryam Hedayatirad & Kazem Kookaram & Mohammad Ali Nematollahi & Wen-Bin Huang (2014) Fluoxetine and diclofenac interaction on food intake in goldfish, Carassius auratus. International Journal of Aquatic Biology 2(4) : 172 - 179.

  • 36. Hedayati Rad, Maryam & Mohammad Navid Forsatkar* & Wen-Bin Huang (2014) The effects of mate switching tactic on reproductive performance of the severum cichlid, Heros severus. Iranian journal of fisheries sciences 13(4) : 1056 - 1068. (SCI)

  • 35. 黃文彬*、簡僑均 (2014) 台灣東部沿岸三種鶴鱵(扁鶴鱵、叉尾鶴鱵及鱷形叉尾鶴鱵)之體長與生殖參數研究。台灣生物多樣性研究 16(4) : 291-308。

  • 34. Hseu, Jinn-Rong & Huang, Wen-Bin* (2014) Application of logistic regression analysis to predict cannibalism in orange-spotted grouper Epinephelus coioides (Hamilton) fry. Aquaculture Research 45: 868 - 873.


  • 33. Huang, Wen-Bin* & Chih-Chieh Chang (2011) Effects of parental care and body sizes on reproductive success of the paradise fish Macropodus opercularis (Linnaeus) in restricted waters. Zoological Studies 50(4): 401-408. (SCI)

  • 32. 黃文彬*、黃郁淳 (2011) 寄生性橈足類Caligus macarovi感染西北太平洋秋刀魚之研究。台灣生物多樣性研究 13(2): 153-165。

  • 31. 陳奕帆、黃文彬* (2011) 鹽度變化對大吻?虎魚脊索上屈後期仔魚成長、死亡與甲狀腺發育之影響。台灣生物多樣性研究 13(1): 1-16。

  • 30. 黃文彬*、黃郁淳 (2011) 西北太平洋秋刀魚Cololabis saira(Brevoort, 1856)之生殖生物學:雌魚成熟與產卵迴游。生物科學 53(2): 17-27。


  • 29. Huang, Wen-Bin (2010) Comparisons of monthly and geographical variations in abundance and size composition of Pacific saury between the high-seas and coastal fishing grounds in the Northwestern Pacific. Fisheries Science 76(1): 21-31. (SCI)

  • 28. Huang, Wen-Bin & Jinn-Rong Hseu (2010) Changes of growth characteristics of the small abalone Haliotis diversicolor (Reeve, 1846) after one decade in a closed culture system: A comparison with wild populations. Fisheries Science 76(1): 131-137.(SCI)

  • 27. Huang, Wen-Bin & Chih-Yu Chen (2010) Photocatalytic Degradation of Diethyl Phthalate (DEP) in Water Using TiO 2. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 207: 349-355. (SCI)


  • 26. 黃文彬*、徐瑋婷、張智傑 (2009) 棲地水深對蓋斑鬥魚生殖特徵之影響。環境與生態學報 2(2): 27-43。


  • 25. 黃文彬*、林文揚 (2008) 台灣花蓮地區高中學生生物多樣性概念之分析。花蓮教育大學學報 26: 125-154 。


  • 24. Huang, Wen-Bin (2007) Body length, weight, and condition factor of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira)from the landed size-classes of Taiwanese catch in comparison with Japanese statistics. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan 34(4): 361-368.

  • 23. Hseu, Jinn-Rong*, Wen-Bin Huang,Si-Yi Wu, Jiun-Cheng Liu & Cheng-Chung Wu (2007) Hemolymphatic changes of small abalone, Haliotis diversicolor, during a simulated transport. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan 34(4): 353-360.

  • 22. Huang, Wen-Bin*, Nancy C.H. Lo, Tai-Sheng Chiu & Chih-Shin Chen (2007) Geographical distribution and abundance of Pacific saury fishing stock in the Northwestern Pacific in relation to sea temperature. Zoological Studies 46(6): 705-716. (SCI)

  • 21. Hseu, Jinn-Rong * , Wen-Bin Huang & Yeong-Torng Chu (2007) What causes cannibalization associated suffocation in cultured brown-marbled grouper, Epinephelus fuscoguttatus (Forsskål, 1775)? Aquaculture Research 38: 1056-1060. (SCI)

  • 20. Chen, Chih-Shin, Wen-Bin Haung& Tai-Sheng Chiu*(2007) Different spatiotemporal distribution of Argentine short-finned squid (Illex argentinus) in the southwest Atlantic during high-abundance year and its relationship to sea water temperature changes. Zoological Studies 46(3): 362-374. (SCI)

  • 19. Hseu, Jinn-Rong*, Pao-Sheng Shen, Wen-Bin Huang & Pung-Pung Hwang (2007) Logistic Regression Analysis Applied to Cannibalism in the Giant Grouper Epinephelus lanceolatus Fry. Fisheries Science 73 (2): 472-474. (SCI)

  • 18. Chen, Chih-Shin*,Tai-Sheng Chiu & Wen-Bin Huang (2007) The spatial and temporal distribution patterns of the Argentine short-finned squid, Illex argentinus, abundances in the southwest Atlantic and the effects of environmental influences. Zoological Studies 46(1): 111-122. (SCI)


  • 17. Huang, Wen-Bin* & Fang-Lin Cheng (2006) Effects of temperature and floating materials on breeding by the paradise fish (Macropodus opercularis) in the non-reproductive season. Zoological Studies 45(4): 475-482. (SCI)

  • 16. 林文揚、黃文彬*(2006) 臺灣高中生生物多樣性概念兩階層診斷式紙筆測驗的發展與效化。花蓮教育大學學報 23: 131-166。


  • 15. 黃文彬 (2005) 吳郭魚及鯉魚苗最適成長方程式之研究:不同放養密度試驗。花蓮師院學報 20: 43-60。


  • 14. 蔣慧姝*、黃文彬、劉光明 (2004) 台灣鯨鯊利用現況與管理之研究。醒吾學報 27: 461-477。


  • 13. Huang, Wen-Bin (2003) Heavy metal concentrations in the common benthic fishes caught from the coastal waters of eastern Taiwan. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis 11(4): 324-330. (SCI)

  • 12 . Huang , Wen-Bin* , Tzong-Huei Lee & Chih-Yu Chen (2003) Accumulations of Heavy Metals in Fish. Journal of National Hualien Teachers College 17: 35-44. (in English with Chinese abstract)

  • 11 . Huang, Wen-Bin , Yu-Chun Lin & Tai-Sheng Chiu* ( 2003) Effects of stocking density on growth, survival, production, and size variation of the common carp Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus (1758) fry within aquariums. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan 30(1): 29-41.


  • 10. Huang, Wen-Bin* & Hui-Shu Chiang (2002) A preliminary review of the biology of the whale shark, Rhincodon typus (Smith, 1828). Chinese Bioscience 45(1): 48-56. (in Chinese with English abstract)


  • 9 . Huang, Wen-Bin (2001) Female condition changes and its relation to egg size during the spawning season of the black porgy, Acanthopagrus schlegeli. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan 28(1): 11-19.


  • 8. Huang, Wen-Bin* , Tai-Sheng Chiu & Chang-tai Shih (2000) Effects of salinity on egg and larval characteristics of the black porgy Acanthopagrus schlegeli. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture – Bamidgeh 52(2): 61-69. (SCI)

  • 7. Shih, Chang-tai & Jiang-Shiou Hwang & Wen-Bin Huang (2000) Planktonic Copepods from an Upwelling Station North of Taiwan, Western North Pacific. Journal of Taiwan Museum 10:19-35.


  • 6. Huang, Wen-Bin* & Tai-Sheng Chiu & Chang-tai Shih (1999) Effects of maternal conditions on early life history traits of black porgy Acanthopagrus schlegeli. Journal of the Applied Ichthyology 15: 87-92. (SCI)


  • 5. Huang, Wen-Bin* & Tai-Sheng Chiu (1998) Distribution and abundance of the larval black porgy, Acanthopagrus schlegeli (Bleeker), in coastal waters and an estuary of western Taiwan. Fisheries Management and Ecology 5: 265-276. (SCI)


  • 4. Huang, Wen-Bin* & Tai-Sheng Chiu (1997) Daily increments in otoliths and growth equation of black porgy, Acanthopagrus schlegeli, larvae. ACTA Zoologica Taiwanica 8(2): 121-131.

  • 3. Huang, Wen-Bin* & Yu-Hui Wu & Tai-Sheng Chiu (1997). Effects of temperature and chlorine on the growth and survival of thornfish Terapon jarbua juvenile. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan 24(2): 155-165.

  • 2. Huang, Wen-Bin* & Tai-Sheng Chiu (1997) Effects of stocking density on survival, growth, size variation, and production of Tilapia fry. Aquaculture Research 28: 165-173. (SCI)

  • 1. Huang, Wen-Bin* & Tai-Sheng Chiu (1997) Environmental factors associated with the occurrence and abundance of larval porgies, Acanthopagrus latus and Acanthopagrus schlegeli, in the coastal waters of western Taiwan. ACTA Zoologica Taiwanica 8(1): 19-32.

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