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  • 49. 黃文彬(2023) 遠洋漁獲物輻射檢測採樣規劃。國家海域放射性物質擴散預警及安全評估技術研討會。2023年十二月6日。核能安全委員會。集思台大會議中心洛克廳。臺北市,臺灣。

  • 48. Wen-Bin Huang, Yi-Jay Chang and Chih-hao Hsieh, “Standardized CPUE of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) caught by the Chinese Taipei stick-held dip net fishery up to 2022,” 11th Meeting of the Small Scientific Committee on Pacific Saury for the North Pacific Fisheries Commission (NPFC), Port Vila, Vanuatu, August 28-31, 2023. (NPFC-2023-SSC PS11-WP02)


  • 47. Wen-Bin Huang, Yi-Jay Chang and Chih-hao Hsieh, “Standardized CPUE of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) caught by the Chinese Taipei stick-held dip net fishery up to 2021,” 9th Meeting of the Small Scientific Committee on Pacific Saury for the North Pacific Fisheries Commission (NPFC), Tokyo, Japan, August 30-September 2, 2022. (NPFC-2022-SSC PS09-WP04) (Webex Online Meeting)


  • 46. Wen-Bin Huang, Yi-Jay Chang and Chih-hao Hsieh, “Estimation of catch-at-size/age data of Pacific saury using stratified random sampling with proportional allocation,” 7th Meeting of the Small Scientific Committee on Pacific Saury for the North Pacific Fisheries Commission (NPFC), Tokyo, Japan, October 8-11, 2021. (NPFC-2021-SSC PS07-WP15) (Webex Online Meeting)

  • 45. Wen-Bin Huang, Yi-Jay Chang and Chih-hao Hsieh, “Standardized CPUE of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) caught by the Chinese Taipei stick-held dip net fishery up to 2020,” 7th Meeting of the Small Scientific Committee on Pacific Saury for the North Pacific Fisheries Commission (NPFC), Tokyo, Japan, October 8-11, 2021. (NPFC-2021-SSC PS07-WP14) (Webex Online Meeting)


  • 44. Wen-Bin Huang, Yi-Jay Chang and Chih-hao Hsieh, “Body length distributions and age compositions of the Pacific saury caught by the Chinese Taipei saury fishery in 2007-2018,” 6th Meeting of the Small Scientific Committee on Pacific Saury for the North Pacific Fisheries Commission (NPFC), Tokyo, Japan, November 19-23, 2020. (Webex Online Meeting)

  • 43. Wen-Bin Huang, Yi-Jay Chang and Chih-hao Hsieh, “Standardized CPUE of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) caught by the Chinese Taipei stick-held dip net fishery up to 2019,” 6th Meeting of the Small Scientific Committee on Pacific Saury for the North Pacific Fisheries Commission (NPFC), Tokyo, Japan, November 19-23, 2020. (Webex Online Meeting)


  • 42. Wen-Bin Huang, Yi-Jay Chang and Chih-hao Hsieh, “CPUE standardization of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) for the Chinese Taipei’s stick-held dip net fishery in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean from 2001-2018,” 5th Meeting of the Small Scientific Committee on Pacific Saury for the North Pacific Fisheries Commission (NPFC), Shimonoseki, Japan, November 13-16, 2019.

  • 41. Wen-Bin Huang, Yi-Jay Chang and Chih-hao Hsieh, “Enumeration of commercial size category, body length distribution, and age composition of the Pacific saury caught by the Chinese Taipei’s saury fishery in 2018,” 5th Meeting of the Small Scientific Committee on Pacific Saury for the North Pacific Fisheries Commission (NPFC), Shimonoseki, Japan, November 13-16, 2019.


  • 40. Wen-Bin Huang, Yi-Jay Chang and Chih-hao Hsieh, “CPUE standardization of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) for the Chineses Taipei’s stick-held dip net fishery in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean from 2001-2017,” 3rd Meeting of the Technical Working Group on Pacific Saury Stock Assessment for the North Pacific Fisheries Commission (NPFC), Xiamen, China, November 12-15, 2018.

  • 39. Wen-Bin Huang, Yi-Jay Chang and Chih-hao Hsieh, “CPUE standardization of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) for the Taiwanese stick-held dip net fishery in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean,” 3rd Meeting of the Small Scientific Committee on Pacific Saury for the North Pacific Fisheries Commission (NPFC), Tokyo, Japan, April 3-16, 2018.


  • 38. Wen-Bin Huang, Yi-Jay Chang and Chih-hao Hsieh, “CPUE standardization report from Chinese Taipei,” 1st Meeting of the Technical Working Group on Pacific Saury Stock Assessment, Yokohama, Japan, February 20-22, 2017. (NPFC-2017-TWG PSSA01-WP04 (Rev. 1))

  • 37. Wen-Bin Huang, Yi-Jay Chang & Chih-hao Hsieh (2017) CPUE standardization of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) for the Taiwanese stick-held dip net fishery in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean. 2nd Meeting of the Technical Working Group on Pacific Saury Stock Assessment for the North Pacific Fisheries Commission (NPFC), December 13-15, 2017, Hyundai Hotel, Vladivostok, Russia (NPFC-2017-TWG PSSA02- WP03)

  • 36. Yi-Jay Chang, Chih-hao Hsieh & Wen-Bin Huang (2017) Stock assessment of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) in the Western North Pacific Ocean. 1st Meeting of the Technical Working Group on Pacific Saury Stock Assessment for the North Pacific Fisheries Commission (NPFC),February 20-22, 2017, National Research Institute of Fisheries Science (NRIFS), Yokohama, Japan (NPFC-2017-TWG PSSA01-WP09)

  • 35. Wen-Bin Huang, Yi-Jay Chang & Chih-hao Hsieh (2017) CPUE standardization report from Chinese Taipei. 1st Meeting of the Technical Working Groupon Pacific Saury Stock Assessment, February 20-22, 2017, Yokohama, Japan (NPFC-2017-TWG PSSA01-WP04)


  • 34. Wen-Bin Huang, Yi-Jay Chang & Chih-hao Hsieh (2016) CPUE statistics and the standardization process. Pacific Saury Stock Assessment Workshop for the North Pacific Fisheries Commission (NPFC), December 13-15, 2016, Hanwha Resort Haeundae Tivoli, Busan, Republic of Korea.

  • 33. Wen-Bin Huang & Chih-hao Hsieh (2016) CPUE Standardization of Pacific saury in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean. 1st Meeting of the Small Scientific Committee on Pacific Saury, April 20-27, 2016, , Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Tokyo, Japan. (NPFC01-2016-SSC-PS01-WP02b (Rev 1))


  • 32. 黃文彬 (2015) 台灣的秋刀魚漁業資源研究。“資源養護與漁業裝備工程”山東省高校重點實驗室學術報告會。2015年10月20日。 中國海洋大學學術交流中心青島廳,青島,中國。

  • 31. Huang, Wen-Bin & Wei-Ting Hsu (2015) Evaluation of a commercial CPUE standardization model applied to the Pacific saury fishery in the North Pacific. The 2015 Annual Meeting of the North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES). PICES-2015 Program and Abstracts, page 245 (FIS-P-8). October 14 - 25, 2015, Shangri-La Hotel, Qingdao, China.

  • 30. Huang, Wen-Bin (2015) Fishery resource of Pacific saury in the North Pacific. International Workshop on Fisheries Resources. Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University (NTU), Taiwan. Book of the Abstracts, page 19. June 30-July 1, 2015, Shih - Liang Hall, NTU, Taipei, Taiwan.

  • 29. Huang, Wen-Bin (2015) Applicative evaluation of the commercial CPUE standardisation model for the Pacific saury fishery in the North Pacific. 2015 Ocean Sciences Conference. Oceanographic Society of ROC. April 30-May 1, 2015, Gardenvilla, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

  • 28. Huang, Wen-Bin (2015) Stock assessment of Pacific saury using the surplus production model: GAM standardization & bootstrapping methods. First Small Scientific Working Group on Pacific Saury for the North Pacific Fisheries Commission. March 24-26, 2015, Sanban-cho Communal Conference Center, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Tokyo, Japan.


  • ​27. Huang, Wen-Bin (2014) 北太平洋秋刀魚漁業資源概況。「NPFC成立後對我秋刀魚漁業之衝擊」研討會,臺灣國際漁業發展保育協會。實錄集,第3-18頁。2014年11月21日。行政院農業委員 會漁業署本部國際會議廳,高雄,臺灣。

  • 26. Huang, Wen-Bin (2014) Pacific saury fisheries in Chinese Taipei. International Symposium for Pacific saury, North Pacific Fisheries Commission. March 14-15, 2014, Shinagawa Campus, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Tokyo, Japan.

  • 25. Huang, Wen-Bin (2014) Preliminary results of stock assessment on Pacific saury in Chinese Taipei. International Symposium for Pacific saury, North Pacific Fisheries Commission. March 14-15, 2014, Shinagawa Campus, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Tokyo, Japan.


  • 24. Huang, Wen-Bin (2012)Preliminary assessment for Pacific saury stock in the North Pacific. Japan-Taiwan Fisheries Research Symposium - current status and issues on fisheries resources in the East China Sea. Fisheries Research Agency (FRA), Japan. Program and Abstracts, Page 10. November 7 , 2012, Seikai National Fisheries Research Institute, FRA, Nagasaki, Japan.


  • 22. Huang, Wen-Bin (2011)Taiwanese Pacific saury fishery development and MSC certification progress. The 12th APEC Roundtable Meeting on the Involvement of the Business/Private Sector in the Sustainability of the Marine Environment. Program and Abstracts, pages 16-17. October 19-11, 2011, Civil Service Development Institute, Taipei, Taiwan.

  • 21.Huang, Wen-Bin (2011) Preliminary GIS mapping for the life history characteristics of the worldwide fisheries data. EUR-OCEANS Foresight Workshop: Effect of fishing-induced alterations in population structure and life history traits on the response of worldwide fisheries to climate. Center for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis (CEES), Department of Biology, University of Oslo. September 12-14, CEES, Department of Biology, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway.

  • 20. Hseu, Jinn-Rong & Huang, Wen-Bin (2011) Laboratory analysis and application of logistic regression prediction of cannibalism in orange-spotted grouper Epinephelus coioides fry. 2011 International Symposium on Grouper Culture - Technological innovation and industrial development. Fisheries Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, ROC. Book of the Abstracts, page 51. November 8-11, Performance Hall, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Pingtung, Taiwan.


  • 19. Huang, Yu-Chun  and Wen-Bin Huang (2010) Maturation of female Pacific saury Cololabis saira (Brevoort) in the northwestern Pacific from the Taiwanese fishery catch. The Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES). PICES-2010 Program and Abstracts, page 211 (FIS-P-6515). October 22 - 31, 2010, Convention Center, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.

  • 18. Huang, Wen-Bin, Yu-Chun Huang and Chun-Ju Chang (2010) Comparisons of body sizes and reproductive conditions of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) between northward and southward migratory periods in the northwestern Pacific. Pan Ocean Remote Sensing Conference (PORSEC) 2010: Connecting Regional Impacts to Global Environmental Change. Proceedings, page 79 (RI5). October 18 - 23, 2010, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, Taiwan.


  • 17. 薛惠文、黃文彬 (2009) 西 北太平洋秋刀魚0+與1+齡 魚的體型比較與耳石成長關係。2009臺 灣省水產學會學術論文發表會論文摘要集,第266頁。2009年12月19-20日。國立高雄海洋科技大學,高雄市,臺灣。

  • 16. Huang, Wen-Bin (2009) Comparisons of spatiotemporal variations in abundance and size composition of Pacific saury between the high-seas and coastal fishing grounds in the Northwestern Pacific.  Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES), PICES-2009 Program and Abstracts, page 181 (FIS-P-5988).  October 23 - November 1, 2009, International Convention Center, Jeju, Republic of Korea.  

  • 15. Chen, Yi-Fan & Wen-Bin Huang (2009) Effects of habitat salinities on growth and mortality rates of Rhinogobius gigas in the early life history. International Symposium on Quantitative Ecology & 2nd Taiwan-Japan Ecology Workshop, Program/Abstracts, page P4. October 9–11, 2009. Conference Center in the Department of Physics, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.

  • 14. Hsu, Wei-Ting & Wen-Bin Huang (2009) Modeling the abundance variation of Pacific saury stock in the Northwestern Pacific: A comparison of a northern shift of fishing grounds. International Symposium on Quantitative Ecology & 2nd Taiwan-Japan Ecology Workshop, Program/Abstracts, page P5. October 9–11, 2009. Conference Center in the Department of Physics, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.

  • 13. Huang, Yu-Chun & Wen-Bin Huang (2009) Variations of maturity stages of Pacific saury, Cololabis saira, during the fishing season in the Northwestern Pacific: A preliminary result of the early summer data. International Symposium on Quantitative Ecology & 2nd Taiwan-Japan Ecology Workshop, Program/Abstracts, page P7. October 9–11, 2009. Conference Center in the Department of Physics, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.

  • 12. Jian, Ciao-Jyun & Wen-Bin Huang (2009) Monthly variations of abundance and reproductive characteristics of the needlefish, Tylosurus acus melanotus, in the eastern Taiwan in relation to temperature. International Symposium on Quantitative Ecology & 2nd Taiwan-Japan Ecology Workshop, Program/Abstracts, page P8. October 9–11, 2009. Conference Center in the Department of Physics, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.


  • 11. Huang, Wen-Bin (2008) Fisheries development and researches of the Pacific saury in Taiwan. Conference on Fisheries Science Research Cooperation between Taiwan and Japan, pp 15-20. October 15, 2008, Conference Room, Fisheries Agency Taipei Offices, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, Taipei, Taiwan.

  • 10. 黃文彬 (2008) 台灣高中學生生物多樣性概念之研究 (II)。95年度科學教育學門專題研究計畫成果討論會,會議手冊暨摘要彙編,第5頁。2008年1月30-31日,國立臺灣師範大學,臺北市,臺灣。


  • 9. 許晉榮、黃文彬 (2007) 陸上多層箱網養殖九孔之成長模式。2007臺灣省水產學會學術論文發表會論文摘要集,第214頁。2007年12月15-16日,國立中山大學,高雄市,臺灣。 (Poster presentation)


  • 8. 陣芳伶、張智傑、黃文彬 (2006) 溫度與浮水植物處理對蓋斑鬥魚 (Macropodus opercularis) 在冬季生殖行為之影響。2006臺灣省水產學會學術論文發表會 ,論文摘要集第197頁。2006年12月16 -17日,基隆,臺灣。(Poster presentation)

  • 7. 陳志炘、丘臺生、黃文彬 (2006) Modeling the abundance variation of Ommastrephes bartramii stock in the North Pacific 。2006臺灣省水產學會學術論文發表會,論文摘要集第158頁。2006年12月16 -17日,基隆,臺灣。(Poster presentation)


  • 6. 黃文彬 (2005) 秋刀魚漁業及資源現況。九十四年度「鮪、魷類資源與漁業現況研討會」,第八輯,第13-17頁。行政院農業委員會漁業署遠洋漁業開發中心,高雄市,臺灣。


  • 5. 黃文彬 (2002) 環境公害對漁業資源影響研究:(五)花東沿近海域調查。漁業技術及資源管理研討會論文集 91:260-267。 Full paper in:漁業技術及資源管理研討會,2002年12月5-6日,國立臺灣海洋大學,基隆,臺灣。


  • 4. Huang, Wen-Bin, Tai-Sheng Chiu & Chang-tai Shih (1998) Effects of maternal conditions on early life history traits of black porgy Acanthopagrus schlegeli. American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists'  78th Annual Meeting, July 16-22, 1998, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada. (Poster presentation)


  • 3. 黃文彬 (1996) Age and length of black porgy, Acanthopagrus schlegeli, larvae with an inference on larval populations in the coastal waters and estuary of western Taiwan。臺灣省水產學會年度會議,1996年12月14-15日,臺北,臺灣。


  • 2. 黃文彬 (1995) The relationships between the recruitment of the larval porgies Acanthopagrus schlegeli and Acanthopagrus latus and the environmental factors in the central western of Taiwan。臺灣省水產學會年度會議,1995年12月15-16日,基隆,臺灣。


  • 1. 黃文彬 (1992) The effect of stocking density on growth, survival, and size variation of fry: common carp and tilapia。臺灣省水產學會年度會議,1992年12月11-12日,基隆,臺灣。

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